Bouquet 39-40 Roses,9-10 White Gold,29-30 Red Roses and Foliage
Bouquet composed of 9-10 White Gold Avalanches Roses and 29-30 Red Naomi Roses and Foliage,Long Stems-60cm.
Bouquet includes:
Fresh Flowers from M.E. 9-10 White Gold Avalanches Roses,29-30 Red Naomi Roses and Foliage
Flowers from M.E. Grey Wrapping Paper and Red Ribbon-25mm
Care instructions
Custom greeting card
Additional information
DISCLAIMER-FRESH FLOWERS: These are fresh flowers and are perishable from Holland.Please follow Care Instructions in "Care Instructions" for Fresh Flowers in the Flowers from M.E. website.
Please note that due to the seasonality of some flowers, they may not be available all year round. If any flowers are not available due to seasonality, they will be replaced with similar flowers.